Erin Esaryk, MPH

Research Analyst
Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Erin Esaryk’s research interests include the associations of food system biodiversity, food security, and childhood trauma with health. She received her Master's in Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.  She also teaches yoga and writes creatively. 


SNAP Student Rules Are Not So Snappy: Lessons Learned From a Qualitative Study of California County Agency Workers.

Journal of nutrition education and behavior

Martinez SM, Singh S, Esaryk E, Ritchie L

COVID-19-related stressors exacerbate food insecurity and depressive symptoms among graduate students receiving campus basic needs services: Cross-sectional findings from seven California public universities.

Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress

Martinez SM, Esaryk E, Chodur G, Singh S, Kalaydjian S, Bullock HE, Britton TA

Parent perceptions of changes in eating behavior during COVID-19 of school-aged children from Supplemental Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) eligible households in California.

Preventive medicine reports

Rauzon S, Hewawitharana SC, Esaryk EE, Thompson HR, Whetstone L, Cordon I, Woodward-Lopez GM

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education reductions during COVID-19 may have exacerbated health inequities.

SSM - population health

Woodward-Lopez G, Esaryk EE, Hewawitharana SC, Kao J, Talmage E, Rider CD

Campus Food Pantry Use Is Linked to Better Health Among Public University Students.

Journal of nutrition education and behavior

Martinez SM, Chodur GM, Esaryk EE, Kaladijian S, Ritchie LD, Grandner M

Campus Food Pantry Use Addresses a Gap Among California Public University Students.

Journal of nutrition education and behavior

Esaryk EE, Jiménez Arriaga EE, Kalaydjian S, Martinez SM

Variation in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Risk and Socioeconomic Disadvantage Among a Mayan-Latinx Population in Oakland, California.

JAMA network open

Esaryk EE, Wesson P, Fields J, Rios-Fetchko F, Lindan C, Bern C, Fernández A

Redefining Basic Needs for Higher Education: It's More Than Minimal Food and Housing According to California University Students.

American journal of health promotion : AJHP

Martinez SM, Esaryk EE, Moffat L, Ritchie L